We reveal the advert terms that drive buyers crazy
A car advert that claims ‘one careful lady owner’ could be turning potential buyers off the sale, according to a HPI survey to name the worst car advert clichés – careful lady owners came top, with ‘baby forces sale’ in second place. ‘Genuine reason for sale’ and ‘first to see will buy’ were joint third and fourth among phrases to avoid when wooing potential buyers.
According to Senior Consumer Services Manager, Shane Teskey, says, “It’s clear from our survey that the tried and tested advertising phrases may be getting a bit tired and are more likely to put buyers off than rousing their interest”
“We advise sellers to stick to the facts and be honest about the price and the status of their vehicle. Our survey shows that it’s also best to avoid tired, old clichés and just focus on mileage, make, model and road tax, as well as any optional extras, such as in-car entertainment and leather trims, which will also attract buyers.
Top 5 Used Car Selling Clichés
- One careful lady driver
- Baby forces sale
- Genuine reason for sale
- First to see will buy
- Mint condition
Would these terms put you off a car advert? Do you have anymore to add to the list, if so we like to hear from you!
20th August, 2014