For almost one in five people in Ireland summer time is hay fever season so here are some tips for dealing with Hay Fever when driving writes Geraldine Herbert
Driving with a runny nose, headache and constant sneezing is not only annoying but it could be dangerously distracting as it can take your attention off the road. Plus, hay fever season can mean less sleep at night so sufferers are often already more tired than usual.
Ensure your car is clean – One way to battle hay fever is to keep your car clean and dust-free by vacuuming carpets, mats and upholstery regularly.
Shut windows – Keep windows and car doors shut as much as possible to prevent pollen from settling and ensure you use using the recycled-air setting on your car fan when driving
Beware of medication – While hay fever medication will help with a runny nose and sneezing symptoms some may have side effects that can impair your ability to drive as they can cause you to feel tired groggy, and crucially they can compromise your vision and reaction time. The RSA advise if a medicine is prescribed by your doctor, always ask the doctor or pharmacist if the medicine will affect your driving. If it does, ask if you can take a different medicine instead. If you are getting non-prescription medicines from a pharmacy, check with the pharmacist if the medicine affects driving
Keep sneezing at bay – A small bit of Vaseline dabbed around the edges of your nose can act as a barrier to trap pollen before you breathe it in. Also, ensure you have tissues close by so you don’t have to take your eyes off the road.
Sunglasses – Wraparound sunglasses not only look good but they can stop pollen getting into your eyes just make sure they don’t limit your vision.
Geraldine Herbert