Tips for Travelling with pets


Top: Photo by ela dalgın from Pexels: Above Photo by PNW Production:



We have some tips for travelling with our furry friends writes Geraldine Herbert

For the safety of people and pets, animals should be restrained in the car.

Never let a pet travel in the front because it could be seriously injured or killed, just as a small child could be if an airbag deploys. Also, it is never a good idea to put a pet in the boot. They deserve your attention and who knows what they could get up to?


Tips for travelling

  • Safety harness – a harness can be attached to a fastened seatbelt and goes securely around your dog’s chest, back and shoulders. Ideal for medium or large sized dogs
  • Pet carriers – best for small dogs, cats and other pets, secure the carrier in place using one of the seatbelts or safely in the foot-well
  • Travel cage or crate – this type of pet carrier is most suited to larger dogs and pets.
  • Water and fresh air are vital, especially during the summer. Cats and dogs overheat very quickly in  Even in cool weather, the interior of a car can become very hot. Freshwater and regular comfort stops are a must.
  • Pets on the move will appreciate familiar comforts such as their regular bedding and their usual food also pack their water dishes, bedding, litter and litter box, leash, collar and tag, grooming supplies and a first-aid kit with any necessary medication.
  • Be sure to always park your car in a shaded area to keep the car cool. Never leave your pet alone inside a car, even for a few minutes. Find restaurants with drive-through windows or bring someone with you on the trip to take meal shifts so your furry family member can stay in your air-conditioned car.
  • Plan ahead where to stop and where to stay. Information on pet-friendly establishments can easily be found online.
  • Travelling can be upsetting for your pet’s stomach so take a cooler with ice cubes, as they are easier on your pet than large amounts of water. Also keep feeding to a minimum, giving your pet a light meal a few hours before you leave.
  • Familiar scents – place a familiar scented piece of material in the carrier with your pet to help keep them calm and relaxed.
  • Do not allow your pet to stick their head outside the window they can be injured from debris or become ill from having the cold air forced down their lung.
  • In the event of a breakdown keep your pet in the car if at all possible to prevent them from running out into traffic.
  • And finally, for all animals, identification is a must in case of unforeseen circumstances where pet and family become separated.


Geraldine Herbert




Author: Geraldine Herbert

Motoring Editor and Columnist for the Sunday Independent and editor of wheelsforwomen. Geraldine is also a regular contributor to Good Housekeeping (UK), EuroNews and to RTÉ, Newstalk, TodayFM, BBC Radio and Vigin Media. You can follow Geraldine on Twitter at @GerHerbert1

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