Be prepared for an Emergency with Mr Safety Kit


Be ready for any emergency with the Mr Safety Kit

Under a proposal from the Road Safety Authority (RSA) failing to have an emergency kit in your car could become a penalty-point offence. An enterprising group of transition students from Newbridge College in Co. Kildare have designed a car safety kit that complies with the new proposed legislation and contains all the essentials needed in the event of an emergency.

The company known as ‘Mr Safety Kit’ was founded by Ellen Heffernan, Richie Collins and Lauren Farrell

Each pack contains a safety triangle, a high visibility vest, a first aid kit, a head torch with batteries, a pair of gloves and a de-icer and comes packaged in a neat draw string bag.

The kits are also a useful addition when travelling abroad as items such as safety triangle, first aid kit and a reflective high visibility vest are legally required in most EU countries.

Priced at just €20, Heffernan Tyres and Chapmans Garage in Kildare currently stock the safety kits but there are plans to make them available in Kildare Credit Union and TP Waters Garage in the next few weeks.

For further info on Mr Safety Kit check out their website, facebook page or follow them on twitter here


29th February, 2016   



Author: wheelsforwomen

Ireland's only website for women on wheels - cars, motorbikes, bikes. Video/ reviews, driving tips - written by women for women.

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